m1A lite bullet loads

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m1A low-cal bullet loads

What can some of you tell me well-nigh lighter than typical bullet loads in the Springfield M1A. In my case information technology's gonna be the Spotter with synthetic stock.

I'd like to shoot mainly 125-130 gr sp and hp in this gun and want to avert reliability issues by knowing how to load these light bullets for this gun. If I tin't load these light bullet loads I'thou and so not sure I want the gun.


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Re: m1A light bullet loads

Mail service by OldWin »

I've never personally tried information technology in my 22" or my scout but I think you lot may accept cycling problems. I know my buddy one time took in a huge box of .308 in his shop loaded with 125gr Nosler BT cause they wouldn't cycle the guys M1A. Cant believe he didn't try em before loading over a thousand of them.
That existence said, you could e'er close off your spindle valve and use it as a straight pull bolt action if it was for just occasional employ.

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Re: m1A light bullet loads

Postal service by AJMD429 »

Don't forget that the M1-A has the advantage of the 'adjustable gas block', and y'all can (I think) arrange for a variety of loads that mode. Even if your gun is turned into a slick 'straight-pull bolt-action', information technology tin can be a nice way to dispense 125 grain 'half-jacket' loads... 8)

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Re: m1A light bullet loads

Post by OldWin »

Information technology's not adjustable unless y'all go a Schuster adjustable gas plug, witch is another pick I didn't mention above. In stock course information technology is merely on or off.

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Re: m1A light bullet loads

Post by earlmck »

So enlighten me here, you lot fellows who shoot M1A's. The thing operates off of gas pressure. So why would it care what bullet weight you use and so long as you load to the design force per unit area range? (This from a young man who has never owned ane of these and and so never even thought much about it. My just .308 rifle uses a hand-operated lever thingy to operate the bolt to pull out the fired example and put in the next round...)

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Re: m1A light bullet loads

Mail service past Rusty »

Earl, if it's like it'due south gramps the M-i Garand you also need the correct pressure curve. Wrong pressure and you volition bend the op rod. IMHO it's all-time to stay with ball equivalent loads.

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Re: m1A light bullet loads

Post by OldWin »

The gas systems differ betwixt the M1 and M1A in that the M1 is a long stroke system, the m1A a short stroke. The M1'due south piston is part of the op-rod and travels the entire length of the op-rods travel. This makes the op-rod much longer and more prone to bending. information technology is more than of a closed system with less opportunity for excess gas to bleed off.
The M1A uses a carve up gas piston (short stroke) that pushes the op-rod rearward but only travels almost 2.five inches, leaving the op-rod to continue on it's own. The op-rod is shorter and a little more robust and while the piston and gas cylinder can deal with excess gas a little better than the M1, it still is designed to run inside certain parameters regarding pressure level and velocity. I THINK the part the bullet weight plays is likewise with timing in regards to the speed in witch the bullet passes the gas port merely I may be wrong on this.
That said, the to a higher place mentioned Schuster gas plug for both the M1 and M1A is a great style to melody your rifle to your load for reliability and the prophylactic of your gas system. It's 30 bucks well spent and is DCM legal for matches.

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Re: m1A light bullet loads

Post by earlmck »

Every bit you suggest information technology sounds like the Schuster gas plug would exist the way to go, OldWin. Hmmm... might be fun to play with i of these rifles: I remember being very favorably impressed with the m14 I got to shoot i day in my long ago military time.

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Re: m1A low-cal bullet loads

Post by Bronco »

While I competed high power rifle, service rifle category, with a M1A, I played around with 110 gr hp's. For the rapid at 200 yds.! Moved back to 168,, only that is a different story

Load your light bullets to 85%r ninety% of max load or more equally you progress on you lot own of 4895 and shoot all day long reliably.. I was at max and it worked great .


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Re: m1A light bullet loads

Post by OldWin »

Yeah the M1A is a groovy rifle. Of all the military style semi autos I've had, I've stuck with them the longest and shot them past far the most. The recent conflicts have also breathed a lot of life into the platform in the way of stocks and accessories.
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Re: m1A light bullet loads

Post by getitdone1 »

Some may be wondering why I'd want to load light bullets in an M1A. Non only light only thin jacketed and sp or hp. MORE LETHAL, at least at close range and for 4 legged varmints at a distance.

I've known for some fourth dimension that a lightly constructed 125 gr bullet in the xxx-30 is very lethal. The 308 will be fifty-fifty more than so with it's extra velocity. Although the standard loads for a 308 don't kick much the lighter bullet will kicking even less. Less boot, more than control, esp. for quick shooting.

And, it falls in line with my experimental nature with guns.


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Re: m1A light bullet loads

Post past earlmck »

getitdone1 wrote:Some may be wondering why I'd want to load light bullets in an M1A.

And, information technology falls in line with my experimental nature with guns.


I'm not questioning you, Don. That's why we reload -- to build the cartridge the way we want it done.

Permit the states know how this works out for you lot -- you've sparked my interest!

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Re: m1A light bullet loads

Post by Mescalero »

Earl does not care about your reasoning for request the question.
I asked a completly off the wall question of him, and he answered; no explanation required.
I think he is only interested in the science of the discipline affair.

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Re: m1A light bullet loads

Postal service by OldWin »

getitdone1 wrote:Some may be wondering why I'd want to load low-cal bullets in an M1A. Not just light only sparse jacketed and sp or hp. More LETHAL, at least at close range and for four legged varmints at a altitude.

I've known for some time that a lightly constructed 125 gr bullet in the thirty-xxx is very lethal. The 308 will be even more so with it'southward extra velocity. Although the standard loads for a 308 don't kick much the lighter bullet will kick even less. Less kick, more command, esp. for quick shooting.

And, it falls in line with my experimental nature with guns.


I know what y'all mean as I've had good luck with the Speer 130gr HP loaded in .308. I've never tried it in an M1A merely I have used the mill Winchester 150gr PowerMax Bonded with great success.
One affair to continue in mind is these rifles are meant to feed FMJ bullets and are not kind to soft points during the feed cycle. When handloading, small base dies are too a good thought too as careful attention to primer seat.

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